Sex Trafficking Attorney in Clermont, Florida

Sex trafficking is often viewed as one of the worst crimes imaginable, which is why courts in Florida and other states across the U.S. have no mercy on those accused of this offense. If you have been charged with or are being investigated in connection with sex trafficking, you don't want to make the mistake of handling this type of case on your own.  

At Archer Law, we understand what’s at stake when our clients call our office and say they are accused of sex trafficking. We know that charges of this nature can have a devastating and long-lasting impact on the defendant’s life. If convicted, a person could face a lengthy prison term, hefty fines, as well as the tremendous social stigma attached to the crime.  

While we cannot guarantee that the charges against you will be dismissed, our sex trafficking attorney in Clermont, Florida, will fight for the most favorable outcome possible. When you work with our law firm, you can count on getting respectful and individualized representation.  

The Crime of Sex Trafficking and Penalties in Florida

In Florida, a person can face criminal charges for sex trafficking if they illegally exploit others through coercion, force, or fraud to provide sex-related labor and services. Given the serious nature of the crime, sex trafficking can be prosecuted on both the state and federal levels.  

If you are facing sex trafficking charges, you might want to learn about the potential consequences of a conviction to realize the seriousness of your situation. A conviction for sex trafficking can tarnish your name for the rest of your life. It’s not one of those crimes you can recover from with the passage of time. Below is an overview of the penalties associated with sex trafficking convictions in Florida: 

  • Mandatory minimum sentence. Florida law imposes a mandatory minimum sentence for sex trafficking, which can result in years or decades behind bars.  

  • Life imprisonment. When the victim of sex trafficking is under the age of 14 or the crime led to someone’s death, the defendant can be sentenced to life in prison.  

  • Sex offender registration. If you are convicted of sex trafficking, you will be required to register as a sex offender. This registration can result in a number of restrictions and negative social stigma that would follow you for the rest of your life.  

  • Fines. A conviction can also result in hefty fines, which can put a strain on your financial situation.  

There are also numerous collateral consequences, including damaged reputation, limited housing and employment opportunities, and many more. Your life will never be the same if you are convicted of sex trafficking. That is why you should do whatever you can to avoid a conviction. Discuss your defense strategies with a Clermont sex trafficking attorney to learn what options you might have. 

Don’t Face This Alone

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Defenses to Sex Trafficking Charges

Every case is unique, which is why the defense strategies will depend on the circumstances of your particular case. Some of the defenses our attorney at Archer Law has used for clients facing sex trafficking charges in the past include:  

  • False charges – You were falsely accused of sex trafficking.  

  • Entrapment – Law enforcement induced you to commit sex trafficking you would not have otherwise committed.  

  • Constitutional violations – Your constitutional rights were violated during the investigation, arrest, or collection of evidence. 

  • Lack of evidence – There is not enough evidence to find you guilty of the crime.  

Our Florida sex trafficking attorney at Archer Law has successfully defended clients facing sex trafficking charges and can advise you on the defense strategies tailored to the facts of your case and the evidence that the prosecution has against you.  

Why You Need a Sex Trafficking Defense Lawyer

Just because you have been charged with sex trafficking doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be convicted. Prosecutors have the burden to prove each component of the crime to convince the judge and jury that you are guilty. With a defense lawyer in your corner, you might be able to challenge the prosecution’s evidence against you to get the charges dismissed or, at the very least, minimize the potential penalties.  

At Archer Law, we provide personalized attention to every client we represent. Our job is to make sure that you are not taken advantage of during the criminal justice process. Unfortunately, we know how the system treats people accused of such serious crimes, so we strive to ensure that your rights are respected and that you are treated with dignity.  

The sooner you reach out to our sex offenses attorney, the sooner we can begin aggressively fighting the charges to clear your name. We are prepared to represent you at every step of the legal process, from the moment you learn about the charges against you all the way to your trial and, if necessary, appeal.

Sex Trafficking Attorney in Clermont, Florida

When representing clients facing sex trafficking charges, we understand that the stakes are high, especially in cases that involve mandatory minimum sentences. That’s why we are dedicated to helping you protect your freedom and future and fighting to ensure that your rights are protected. Our Clermont sex trafficking lawyer at Archer Law serves clients throughout Lake County, Polk County, Seminole County, and Sumter County. Contact us today to schedule your free, 30-minute consultation and discuss your defense options.