Alcohol and Medications Don’t Mix: Watch out For Interactions
As you get older, something you may notice is that the way alcohol affects you changes. Sometimes, older people see more significant side effects from drinking less alcohol, which is completely normal as they age.
If you still drive, it’s important to remember that alcohol may affect you more significantly than you thought. Additionally, if you’re taking medications, those medications may interact with alcohol and lead to more serious side effects.
Alcohol Doesn’t Always Mix with Medications
Alcohol doesn’t always mix well with medications, which is problematic as people get older. You may find that you cannot drink with your heart or lung medications, for example, because the mixture makes you too tired or dizzy.
The National Institute of Health performed a study of over 1,300 medications and found that they had the potential to interact with alcohol in around 45% of cases. The study also found that around 70% of adults in America drink regularly, and around 42% of them are using medications that interact with alcohol.
Alcohol may create dangerous drug interactions in some cases, which is why it’s always important to talk to your medical provider about your medications and to ask if you can or cannot drink while taking those drugs. Even if you’re able to drink with the medications safely, make sure to see how they affect you personally before you make decisions about what you can or cannot do when the two are mixed.
Can You Get a DUI from Mixing Medications and Alcohol?
Yes, you can get a DUI from mixing alcohol and medications. Any time your ability to drive is impaired, you should not be behind the wheel. If you choose to drive, then you could be putting yourself at risk of a drunk driving charge.
If you are accused of driving while impaired or driving while drunk, it’s within your rights to fight back against those charges. Remember, medications can change how you feel. Combining alcohol and medications may make those symptoms more significant. To be safe, avoid drinking while taking medications. If you need to, let someone else drive to help keep you safe.